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Beautiful Landscape

First International Meeting

This meeting took place November 18 - 22 2019 in Olomouc, Czech Republic.


DAY 1 Monday, 18th November 2019
9:00 official welcome in school gym, logo competition, 
10:00 coffee break, guided school walk (attending theoretical and practical classes)
10:30 – 13:00 vlogs workshop about free time, motivation towards education/ teachers meeting
13:30 lunch at school 
15:30 – 17:30 guided city tour Olomouc
17:30 dinner


DAY 2 Tuesday, 19th November 2019

9:00 – 12:00 presentations of countries, cities and schools (Arigone hotel)
                       Člověk v tisni – lecture (Arigone hotel)
12:00 – 13:00  lunch in the town centre
13:00 -17:00 free time for students and teachers
17:00- 20:00 dinner in Chomout brewery

DAY 3 Wednesday, 20th November 2019
8:00 departure from Olomouc, trip to Prague
11:00 – 13:00 guided tour in Prague centre (UNESCO sights) 3 groups
13:00 – 17:00 free time for students and teachers (shopping)
17:30 departure for Olomouc (20:00)

DAY 4 Thursday, 21st November 2019
7:00 Pick up by bus

A small hiking trip to Javoricko caves. We had a guided tour into the caves. It was very interesting


Visit to Velke Losiny paper manufacture.  
20:00  arriving to Olomouc


DAY 5 Friday, 22nd November 2019
9:00 – 12:00 sports day in Baluo centre (university area). Students were divided into 6 international groups and had different sportive tasks.
12:00 – 13:30 lunch 

13:30 - 17:00 Free time and preparations for the goodbye party
17:00 –20:00 goodbye party in Dream Club in Olomouc centre
20:00 Dinner

Erasmus+ A Better Life 2019-2022
Project 2019-1-DK01-KA201-060288


A Better Life © 2020-23

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