A Better Life Magazine
One of the main results of this project, is the 3 issue magazine.
The magazine can be used in the classroom - for example during English lessons. It can also just be read at home. It is your choice.
Students and teachers have worked together on the 3 magazines you can read below. They have worked during the 40 months that the project lasted. It has been a cooperation across borders.
The objectives for creating the magazines are:
- Reinforcement of cooperation with partners from other countries and other education sectors
- Use of ICT
- Increased competences in the English language
- An improved understanding with students on different minority groups in society
- Greater understanding and responsiveness of students to social, ethnic, linguistic and cultural
diversity in and outside of Europe
- A greater sense of European identity
- More positive attitude of students towards the European project and the EU values
You can use the content of the magazines in lessons or just read them for fun!